Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Provost Rocks!

It's amazing to me, and a bit alarming as well, to see how much a few minutes of validation, encouragement, and honesty can improve my overall sense of well being and restore my confidence that all is right with the world.

It's a strange sensation, and antithetical to how independent and self-sufficient I've become in my personal life. It illustrates the gravity of my current situation, and the certainty of my need for change. No matter how unshakable I think I am - my humanity dictates that I can't work, on a daily basis, in an irrational, dishonest, and dysfunctional environment and remain unscathed.     

So, I'll trudge on in the tedious job search - but with a new point of reference for restoring my sense of purpose when in need.
And, I'll unabashedly share my opinions and ideas - as per the Provost's request - with a renewed sense of "me-ness." I am thankful to have received permission from this higher level of authority, to cast off the absurd set of pseudo-protocol/rules that were created by parasitic organisms -  masquerading as my superiors. I feel cleansed of the contagion that is their timidity and fear.

The truth is the truth, no matter who plagiarizes it and misuses it to further their agenda.
The truth always wins in the end.
The truth dispels all worry and fear.
The truth, indeed, does set you free.


  1. I hope that doesn't sound really is anything but. Someday I'll post the WHOLE of what happened, and all will understand. But I think I need to wait till after my career has really begun. I would never badmouth an employer, so I don't want it to appear as if I have. So, I'll wait. Did I mention Siddhartha before? "I can think, I can fast (not really though), and I can wait." - Hesse

  2. Beautifully written. You have so much to enjoy in life because of your positive outlook and faith! I am so very proud of you!


