Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Beth Wolpert's Book Report - Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers: Well, Duh!

        My first reaction while reading Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers was, “well, duh.” I was not learning anything new. Yes, Mr. Gladwell can tell an interesting story. Gladwell can tell a story in such a way that

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Social Bookmarking by the La Grange Park Library: A Mission Deliciously Accomplished

     The La Grange Park Library doesn't just have a mission statement, it also has a vision statement - and I must say it is one of perfect clarity.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

2.0 Revisited and/or Revealed

     The video I posted last night discusses whether or not the Library 2.0 phenomenon is indeed real, or if it is just so much hyperbole. At this point, it seems that

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Sovereignity of the Duke

DzieƄ dobry!
     Upon receiving my degrees from QC, it is my goal to become an academic librarian. In preparation for that career I am working in the Inter-Library Loan department at Fordham University. So, when I set out to find a model example of library blogging, I

